Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival

Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival

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Hi Everyone! Today is the start of the Chinese Ghost Month. It is the first day of the 7th lunar month.

In Chinese culture, the 7th month is regarded as the Ghost Month. It is also known as the Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival.

As a nod to this festival, I will be creating blog posts and videos about the Chinese Ghost Month. And share personal stories of my encounters with ghosts, demons, dark forces, and more.

So, if you like to hear some true ghost stories, remember to join the Flowing Love Meditation community, and get updates whenever I publish a new blog post or video.

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Watch: Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival

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What is the Chinese Ghost Festival?

Most Chinese believe that every year, during the 7th lunar month, the gates of hell are opened. And the spirits are released into this world. The spirits, also called ghosts, roam the earth seeking food and entertainment.

Just for one month. The 7th lunar month. This is why it is called the Ghost Month.

The Chinese Ghost Month in 2021 starts from August 8, 2021. And lasts till September 6, 2021. On the 15th day of the 7th month, there are lots of festivities to entertain the ghosts. And lots of food to feed them.

What the Chinese Do During the Ghost Festival?

In various parts of the world, the Chinese have different practices and customs. And most of them will be burning incense and joss paper, and also offering food for the ghosts to eat.

Joss Sticks and Paper Money To Be Burned for Spirits
Joss Sticks and Paper Money To Be Burned for Spirits

Some of the food will also be to worship the gods, and to pay respects to the spirits of the ancestors. They even have replicas of material items like hand phones, houses, cars. All these are recreated in paper mache format And then, burnt as an offering for the spirits.

Some cities will spend weeks building a multi-story sacrificial altar. And they will light it up. The lighting and the decoration of the altar at night provide the entertainment for ghosts. 

In some cities, they make paper boats and floating lanterns in the shape of houses or the lotus flower. These items are then released into the waters. This is done in the hope that these paper boats and lanterns will guide the spirits back to where they came from.

Floating Lanterns
Floating Lanterns

In this part of the worlds, the Chinese will stage the Chinese Opera. This is to entertain the ghosts so that they hope the ghosts will watch the opera, and not disturb them.

Chinese Opera to Entertain the Ghosts
Chinese Opera to Entertain the Ghosts

What to Avoid During Hungry Ghost Festival?

There are many taboos to observe during this month. Here are a few:

Don’t go swimming.

Don’t whistle.

Don’t try new things.

Don’t hang your clothes outside to dry.

Don’t pick up anything from the ground.

And if you see any offerings on the ground, don’t kick them.

Don’t turn your head when you hear someone call you.

These are just a few taboos. Just to illustrate a few examples. There are actually a lot of taboos. And every part of the world has different ones. These are just some of the common ones.

Final Thoughts – Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival

To me, I do not find that the ghosts appear only during the 7th lunar month. Maybe more supernatural occurrences?

On occasion, outside of the 7th lunar month, I do have supernatural encounters. And I will share them on this website. For example, in a previous blog post, I shared about a ghost I saw in a hotel room when I stayed in Rome, Italy.

So, remember to join the Flowing Love Meditation community, and get updates whenever I publish a new video or blog post.

What are your thoughts on the Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival? Did you have any supernatural encounters? Tell me about it in the comments below.

I wish you good health, wealth and love.

Flowing Love Meditation for Inner Peace and Well-Being

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